The Liberal National Coalition has joined the Labor Party and the Greens in confirming their commitment to the implementation of the United Nations’ 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
Global Goals Australia Campaign staff, ambassadors, advocates and volunteers have worked tirelessly to secure a commitment from all three parties and to get all three parties to acknowledge the Global Goals are not just about overseas aid. You can see exactly which candidates have committed to the achievement of the Global Goals on our federal election page!
The signing up to the Global Goals by Foreign Minister Julie Bishop last year committed Australia to achieving the 169 targets that cover the 17 goals on a domestic level as well as supporting less developed countries. The goals cover a diverse range of areas in which Australia still has work to do. However, it is important to note that we welcome the policies announced by all three parties over the election campaigning period, which aim to address some of these issues.
For instance, Goal 4 focuses on Quality Education, and, although we have a high standard of education, it is generally agreed that we have slipped behind international standards. Similar situations exist with other goals such as Gender Equality, Affordable & Clean Energy, and Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure, all of which have been a major focus in the election campaign.
The Global Goals Australia Campaign vows to keep pressure on whoever forms government after the election on Saturday to ensure the achievement of the Global Goals at all levels of government. We will continue to work closely with business groups and individual businesses to encourage their adoption of the goals. A strong grassroots campaign is still being rolled out to promote the involvement of everyone in the campaign.
Want to get involved? Visit our 130,000 Hour Campaign page now to see what actions you can take to achieve the Global Goals!
This article was originally published on the Global Goals Australia Campaign website.