Image credit: European Commission DG ECHO
Today marked the first summit for which the General Assembly of the United Nations had called, involving Heads of State and Government, to discuss large movements of refugees and migrants. This high-level summit aimed to bring countries together to adopt a more humane and coordinated approach to address the ceaseless crisis.
All 193 United Nations member states, including Australia, signed The New York Declaration, a single plan to tackle the refugee crisis.
The commitments listed in the document are rather extensive.
One main commitment is Article 24: allowing states sovereignty over their borders; however, ensuring this does not lead to human rights abuses. We look forward to seeing Australia’s commitment to this in practice!
The safe and orderly migration of people is referenced in Target 10.7 of Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities.
Target 10.7: Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies
Keep your eyes peeled as we will be releasing a 2-pager of the New York Declaration in the near future!
This article was originally published on the Global Goals Australia Campaign website.